Council+ Meeting

Generative AI in the classroom: From hype to reality?

1. Digital Revolution in Education:

  • The digital revolution has transformed various aspects of our lives but has been slow to change education.
  • There have been utopian views about how digital advances might reshape education, potentially eliminating traditional schools.
  • The recent democratization of digital advances, particularly the introduction of Chat GPT, presents both opportunities and challenges for education.

2. School Plus Project:

  • The speaker worked on the School Plus project at the OECD, in collaboration with ICP, ESHA, and other global organizations.
  • The project aimed to understand the potential of large language models like Chat GPT in education.

3. Sustainable Leadership:

  • The challenge of sustainable leadership was discussed in relation to innovation.
  • School leaders must decide whether to embrace new opportunities or view them as additional burdens.
  • Data from the OECD showed that school leaders spend only 16% of their time on instructional matters, despite its importance.

4. Generative AI in Education:

  • Educational outcomes have stagnated, while artificial intelligence continues to advance.
  • Chat GPT can accurately answer questions from the PISA test.
  • However, greater use of technology in schools doesn’t necessarily lead to improved educational outcomes; the way technology is integrated is crucial.

5. Innovation Curve:

  • The speaker introduced Roger’s innovation adoption curve, which describes how different segments of a population adopt innovations.
  • The audience was asked to consider the role of school leaders in this curve.

6. Potential Impacts of Generative AI:

  • Generative AI could transform various teaching domains, including:
    • Providing feedback and support: Chat GPT could offer immediate feedback, potentially changing assessment methods.
    • Classroom interaction: Chat GPT could handle superficial questions, allowing teachers to focus on deeper learning.
    • Subject content: Generative AI could help establish connections between different pieces of information.
    • Social and emotional development: Chat GPT might offer a safe space for students to experiment and ask questions without fear of judgment.

7. Outside the Classroom:

  • Generative AI can extend learning opportunities outside the classroom, fostering student inquiry and curiosity.
  • It can support language learning, adaptive learning, and provide tailored resources for diverse student groups.

8. Potential Beneficiaries:

  • Certain groups might benefit more from these technological advances, including students with special education needs, immigrant and refugee students, students in remote areas, ethnic minorities, and gifted students.

9. Conclusion:

  • The current one-size-fits-all model of education isn’t working for many students.
  • Generative AI offers the potential to provide more personalized and adaptive learning experiences, but its integration needs careful consideration to ensure positive outcomes.