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- Importance of Implementation: While research is valuable, its practical implementation is crucial for advancing educational plans and improving the quality of education.
- Development of a Toolbox: The aim is to create a toolbox that combines evidence with views from schools. This will help in bridging the gap between theory and practice.
- Pedagogical Framework: The focus is on developing a shared language applicable across different grades and subjects. This language will serve as a reference for consistent educational practices.
- Five Areas of Teaching: The framework emphasizes five key areas:
- Cultural Interaction
- Cognitive Engagement
- Formative Assessment
- Quality of Subject Matter
- Social and Emotional Support
- Profile of Participating Schools: The network is not seeking outlier schools but rather average schools that can inspire others. These schools should be open to using evidence and have noteworthy practices in one of the five domains mentioned.
- Collaboration: Participating schools will collaborate with schools from different countries over the next 1.5 to 2 years.
- Invitation to Join: Schools interested in joining this global initiative, especially those that can contribute to the first OECD report, are encouraged to reach out for more details.
- Upcoming Information Meetings: There are a few information sessions scheduled in the coming weeks, with the project set to commence in October.