Emerging Leaders Forum and ICP Council



  • ESSARP: The English Speaking Scholastic Association of the River Plate (ESSARP) is a non-profit organization that provides academic support and services to English-speaking schools in Argentina. ESSARP organizes courses, events, exams, and publications for teachers and students. ESSARP also represents its member schools in national and international forums12
  • BCPVPA: The British Columbia Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association (BCPVPA) is a voluntary professional association that represents school leaders employed as principals and vice-principals in BC’s public education system. The BCPVPA provides its members with professional services and supports, such as advocacy, leadership development, and networking. The BCPVPA also works with other education partners to inform and influence government education policies34
  • OPC: The Ontario Principals’ Council (OPC) is an independent professional association that represents principals and vice-principals in Ontario’s public schools. The OPC provides its members with professional learning opportunities, legal advice, and protection services. The OPC also advocates for the interests of its members and the students they serve at the provincial level.

Asia – Oceania


Common Values and Principles

Common Values

  1. Professional Development: Most associations focus on the professional growth of school principals through training, seminars, and workshops.
  2. Quality Education: A consistent aim is to provide or facilitate high-quality education, often through partnerships and collaborations.
  3. Ethical Standards: Many associations emphasize the importance of ethics in school leadership, advocating for high moral and professional standards.
  4. Community Engagement: Several associations extend their mission to include service to their schools and the broader communities, recognizing the role of education in community development.
  5. Inclusivity and Accessibility: Some organizations aim to make education accessible to all, irrespective of socio-economic or cultural backgrounds.
  6. Collaboration: Networking and mutual support among members and with other stakeholders are often highlighted.
  7. Advocacy: Many associations are involved in advocating for educational policies that benefit their members and the educational system as a whole.

Common Principles

  1. Non-Political: Several associations make it clear that they are non-political entities, focused solely on educational objectives.
  2. Holistic Approach: Beyond academics, some associations aim for a balanced development approach, addressing issues like discipline and human rights.
  3. Global Understanding: There is often an international perspective, fostering global understanding and respect for diversity.
  4. Transparency: Some organizations offer regular updates and news through newsletters or social media, maintaining open communication channels with members.